Awaken bravery. Embrace weird. Cultivate play.



Marian Yesufu


Artistic Director of Soul Sista Comedy
Founder of Black Women In Comedy Festival

Marian Adewunmi Yesufu is a Nigerian/Ghanian-American Comedian. And founder of Black Women in Comedy Festival. Marian is a mother of 13 year old munchkin aka sethcakes and Newborn. Marian has 5 siblings. 4 brothers and 1 sister. She lost her brilliant mother in 2006. Her father lives on as a dynamic, fair and reasonable person to seek advice from. Love you pops. "I am a Yoruba girl, a storyteller and will spend my every breath putting to paper and screen imagery that celebrate dark skinned Women." MARIAN ADEWUNMI YESUFU Marian studies the art of COMEDY at upright citizens brigade and Narrative improv at impro theater.

Instagram: @marianyesufu
Twitter: @marianyesufu