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Ripley Blog

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Amanda Troop: Book-loving, Monster-slaying, Audio-narrating Wonder Woman


We interviewed Amanda Troop and after reading this, you will love her as much as we do!

What is your favorite quote?

“The way to hunt is for as long as you live against, as long as there is such and such an animal; just as the way to paint is as long as there is you and colors and canvas, and to write as long as you can live and there is pencil and paper or ink or any machine to do it with, or anything you care to write about, and you feel a fool, and you are a fool, to do it any other way.”
— Ernest Hemingway, Green Hills of Africa

Tell us about your Slay character? How are they like or not like you?


Winona Bishop is a a loner because she’s constantly haunted by ghosts. Alone, yet never alone. She feels infinitely connected with other people, mostly dead ones, and her connection drives her to do what she can to create peace… or at least find quiet. In many ways she’s extremely empathetic, but finds herself overwhelmed by the emotions of others. She’s practical and capable, and someone you’d want around in a crisis. Every character I play, especially the ones I create, are reflections of part of myself, or parts of me that I’ve amplified or inverted. I am definitely not a loner, nor do I possess the 6th sense, but I do seek connection and try to increase my empathy all the time. And while I hope there aren’t crises that arise, I’m a lifelong Girl Scout and am ready to help how I can if I’m needed.


Were you a monster-slayer fan before SLAY?

Big Buffy fan! But mostly I don’t want to kill monsters—I want to help them and understand what drives them.

Watch SLAY on - only 2 more shows! 6pm PT/9pm ET!

What are you working on right now that is exciting you?

Recently I’ve had the opportunity to work on more audiobooks as a narrator. I’ve always enjoyed listening to audiobooks, and I love the oral tradition of storytelling and believe that audiobooks contribute to continuing this tradition.


What’s a perfect Saturday for you?

Waking up in a tent to bird song, the smell of coffee in the air. Later, a hike with the family, picnicking under ancient trees. Reading and board games. Campfire, stars and owls hooting at the moon.
