Ripley Has Leveled Up!
First, Heartbeats opened on Directed by Jessica Lynn Verdi, with Special Guest-Star and Producer Mary Chieffo, and it went off with a bang and a “broken vending machine" which was the show’s suggestion. The cast included: Jessica Lynn Verdi, Paul Vonasek, Aliza Pearl, Terri Gamble, Laurie Jones, Roberto Lewis, Nick Massouh, and Mary Chieffo. The amazing folks on tech: Madi Goff, Miriam Salzman, and Raishel Wasserman.
We can’t reveal the whole plot of the show to you, but let’s just say… there was a LOT of drama. The audience had a say in a MASSIVE decision in how the show went… and well, folks, get ready to have some feels. You can watch the entire episode by subscribing to or watch on our Youtube page below. We will not be putting every episode on Youtube, so catch up now!
Folks were saying: “1st episode and they're crushing it” and “the editing is unreal” Remember… we know our characters before we go in but everything else in COMPLETELY IMPROVISED!
Director Amanda Troop and AD Sara Mountjoy-Pepka prepare for Ripley’s premiere of Wasteland which happens TOMORROW. We are beyond thrilled to have some kick-ass guests on board for this show. Be sure to tune in at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET on
Is your heart beating faster from last night’s HEARTBEATS premiere?? Here’s something to make it really pound: we’re launching another new show next week! Starting Wednesdays at 6 PM PT/9 PM ET on September 30th, a brand new spin on our Dystopia genre, live on Twitch: WASTELAND.
It's tough being a teenager, especially when one of your friends is a werewolf, you've just discovered a secret message written in the clouds, and you're in love with two different people at once! Yes, we're taking on YA Teen Fiction and embracing both magic and magical-realism.
The Improvised Generation
Ripley has to give a huge shout out to Sara Mountjoy-Pepka and Aliza Pearl for organizing an amazing three hour event with Star Trek actors, podcasters, artists, and improvisers on They had a constant stream of very enthusiastic fans and Ripley is so proud of their work!! Ripleys Amanda Troop and Laurie Jones joined in for the cocktails and Star Trek chat too. There will be a lineup of Improvised Gen shows. We will announce and share soon, but in the meantime, join us in giving them a big round of applause!!
Missed it? Subscribe to Outpost and catch up on three hours of Star Trek magic!
Our hearts are full and proud of you!!
“The Madi Goff Show”
Watch Madi Goff on Thursdays!